School Supplies 2024 – 2025

•            $50 school fee per student.

•            Water bottle (that will return home for daily cleaning) labelled.

•            Lunch bag labelled

•            Book bag labelled

•            Athletic Shoes that tie or have Velcro (“Skate shoes” and “Crocs” will not be permitted as they are not made for running, do not give proper support and are unsafe for Phys Ed classes.) If your child cannot tie shoelaces they must have Velcro sneakers.   Please ensure your child’s initials are on the sole or the tongue of the shoe.

•            1 box of Kleenex

Please remember to send your child with a reusable spoon or fork when they need one, as we will not be providing single-use disposable cutlery day to day.

Please make payments through School Cash Online starting  September 3rd, 2024, at on or before Friday, September 13th, 2024 at 4:00 pm. 

If you wish to pay in cash, please ensure you clearly label the sealed envelope with your student’s name, grade and teacher’s name

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